Born in the decade of the 70’s, while most of South American countries were torn apart by the conservatism of right winged institutions and a growing social uprising of both the working classes as well as high school and university students, the duet formed by Miguel Cantilo and Jorge Durietz had a sound impact on Argentina’s youth. The songs Cantilo sung had to do with the social injustices, city pauperism and ill working conditions the argentines of his time were beginning to witness. But what was striking about his music was the language he used which, at the time being, was completely noncommercial. With “La Marcha De La Bronca”, “En Este Mismo Instante”, “Yo Vivo En Esta Ciudad” and “Dónde Va La Gente Cuando Llueve” released between 1970 and 1971, they soon achieved a status of non compromised singers that rocketed their songs to the mysticism of anthems.

When their last successful album “Conesa” was released, after changing recording company in 1972, the group had gained a reputation of “persona non grata” among the media: the clarity of their lyrics shocked the government heavily controlled censorship and ever since then they became artists in the shadows, which plummeted their artistic career into splitting that very same year.

However recurrent reunions of the duet took place from 1974 until 1991, and a couple of good hits followed (“Que Sea Al Sol” and “La Gente Del Futuro”) both singers have given priority to their solo careers. All in all Pedro y Pablo paved the way for a brand new breed of musicians who, in the southern tip of Latin America, began to express their political and philosophical ideas literally and, most important, freely.